Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is extracted from fresh coconut milk. It’s obtained from a mature kernel of coconut (12 month old).Its extracted either by mechanical or natural means, without the application of heat. Heat application alters the nature of the oil, which might lead to ruining its medicinal properties. VCO is suitable for consumption in its natural form, without any further processing. Hence, it does not undergo any chemical refining, bleaching or include any added synthetic aroma. Virgin coconut oil is colourless, free of any sort of sediments and has natural fresh coconut scent. It is ensured to be free of rancid odour or taste.

Virgin coconut oil consists mainly of medium chain fatty acids. The most important medium chain fatty acid found in VCO is lauric acid. 48 % of VCO is constituted with Lauric acid which is known to have powerful anti-microbial properties, capable of destroying disease causing bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. Researchers depict that medium chain fatty acids in mother’s milk is the primary ingredient which protects newborn infants from infections for the first few months of their life,while their immune system is still developing. Presence of medium chain fats in coconut oil are similar to that in mother’s milk and have similar nutraceutical l benefits. VCO has considerable therapeutic uses apart from just being antimicrobial. It aids in the treatment of cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Another benefit of VCO is that it’s one of the best existing remedies for various skin ailments.. Also it is the best skin care solution for babies. Being free of all chemical formulations, it assures quality protection to the baby skin.

Virgin Coconut oil: The Apex oil

  • Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is abundant in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, thus making it the prime of all oils.
  • Extracted from fresh coconut kernel without any chemical processing
  • It is a major source of Lauric Acid, which is identical to fats found in human breast milk.
  • It removes dead cells and strengthens the tissues present underneath the skin.
  • It moisturizes your hair and cleans your scalp. It brings about a lustrous texture for your hair.
  • It helps to strengthen the roots of hair. Massage a little bit of coconut oil before shampooing. This will help you get tangled free hair afterwards. You can do a hot oil massage with virgin coconut oil for shinier and stronger hair. It aids in hair growth and works as a natural hair conditioner.
  • Supreme quality of this oil makes it ideal for baby massaging oil,
  • It is ideal to be applied on skin and hair, as it’s harmless and rich in moisturization
  • It protects the skin from infections caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi, prevents dandruff and hair fall.
  • Supplement your body with antioxidants, which in turn improves your immune system.
  • It prevents sagging and unsightly wrinkles.